Our lodge

We are glad of your interest for our lodge and would therefore like to expound a bit on the aims of AEDES:

Our name has many different meanings: Home, Temple, House, Room, Family but also Beehive. We wold like to be exactly all that for our sisters and brothers, a house, a temple for free human beings with good disposition, who, together with us like the bees in a beehive carry together thoughts, think about the sense and reason of life and try to realise our role at the grand building of the universe. 
AEDES has been founded to enable woman and men in Berlin to work together as Freemasons and to exercise the utmost tolerance, sorority and fraternity as well as humanity. 
For us, tolerance means to accept in our members affiliation to any kind of peace – loving religion, to accept any kind of extraction and position in society, completely independent from colour of skin and sexual orientation.

Our idea of sorority and fraternity is a real care for each other without pusuit of wealth or power.

Humanity is defined by us as more comprehensive than sole tolerance of human affairs: Overlong human progress has been understood as an exclusive business between fellow human beings. Surrounding nature and environment and dreary consequences of our actions have been shamefully neglected. AEDES aims at a reconciliation between human beings and nature. At the begin of reconciliation is the search for knowledge. Knowledge of ourselves,, of our mistakes, of our dreams and the search for knowledge how our lives may be improved. 


For right-angled living

1. Respect your fellow human beings and yourself
2. Be open and tolerant
3. Act fairly and constantly check your conscience
4. Search for truth and knowledge
5. Protect the environment and everything that lives.
6. If possible, support the poor and the needy
7. Be a positive role model for your fellow human beings
8. Pay attention to secrecy.
9. Beware of slander
10. Never abuse power.
11. Work on yourself constantly and never give up

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